Browsing Tag law
Leading During Uncertain Times

On Oct. 12, Sheila Murphy spoke at the Association of Corporate Counsel Webinar on “Leading through Uncertainty and Change.” She focused on how extraordinary leaders at all levels, help their teams and organizations live and adapt to uncertainty, and embrace ever-morphing change and create a vision for a better future. This session taught the necessary more…
WOMN LLC Event in the News: Networking with Men
We appreciate this review of one of our workshops …
law, networking, WBIA, WOMN, workshop
ABA Presentation Looks at Gender and Legal Careers
Elizabeth Hanke of KCIC captures many of the salient points articulated during the March 2015 ABA Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee’s Gender Bender, Take Two panel discussion in her July 14, 2015 blog. (See below). Elizabeth challenges us to share our thoughts about how far women in law have come as well as how far they more…
Women in Law – Rising Numbers/Stagnant Compensation – It Is Not Just a U.S. Phenomenon
Almost half of all solicitors in Scotland are now women, and when counting solicitors under the age of 45 that number rises to 61 percent, according to the Herald Scotland. Despite these numbers, women remain less likely to reach the “pinnacle” of their career when measured by compensation and position. Why is this? The article more…
Partnership … Eye on the Prize, Maybe
Michael Allen of the recruiting firm, Lateral Link, has written a good and sobering article about steps to take if you do not think you will make partner at your current firm. He advises, as does WOMN LLC, to constantly evaluate (we call it — Re-Assess) where you are and what you are doing. Mike more…
Quoted in ‘Inside Counsel’
Marla Persky was a featured speaker at the recent 2nd Annual Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference in Washington, DC on Sept. 18, providing helpful advice to women seeking the GC spot. A quote from Inside Counsel: For those looking to expand their skill sets and areas and areas of knowledge to become more more…